Have you ever moved from one apartment to another? The excitement and terror mixed as you considered the staggering job of moving every single thing – well, changing over Salesforce to zoho migration is pretty much like that! You have become accustomed to handling the customer list in Salesforce. You are satisfied with its operation, maybe even have a few favorite scenic spots mapped out. Now the time has come to pack up everything and shift over that database to Zoho. It is a change of scenery.

First of all, switching to Zoho implies a listening tour on the why. If you are tired of writing valentines to Salesforce ‘s pricing model, then you may find Zoho will make better sense for you. Your people might like Zoho’s design, which puts more emphasis on individual users (and their needs in turn). In other words, it’s similar to buying a nice SUV after owning sports car for while. Different things call for different tools.
Next, visualize your data as a stack of precious heirloom china. You want to have it reach the new home intact. Exporting data from Salesforce should begin with knowing the “what” and the “how”. What data is truly useful for you? Take another look at those old records that have only sentimental value and discard any of them which are no longer pertinent. Do you carry the entire cupboard or only its finest plates when you move? This time is very important for judging what data to keep or ax.
Finally for our Techie friends: Now’s the time to start making use of your best friend CSV files! They sound scary – don’t worry, really they aren’t. Who needs more moving boxes that are also harder to interpret which is which? Divide everything up into its proper categories – accounts, contacts, opportunities, etc. Use the Salesforce Data Export Wizard to help you copy out the data you need, and don’t worry about the name! There is no actual magic involved in that one…
However, once you’ve imported data, each piece of imported data will be in one language. For example, let’s assume that you’ve doing some programming and this is the first game program you wrote. Your childhood favorite may have to be reinterpreted and translated. That isn’t hard: so familiarize yourself with Zoho’s rules and data formats. Zoho’s import wizard can help you, but there’s usually a little hand adjustment needed. You might want to ask an expert next time.
Testing is an absolute necessity. As in principle, the phase-dress rehearsal before a big show. As such, move only a small segment to begin with.Take a look at where they come out. You have to check that furniture fits through the focal point of entrance correctly by observing it again and again. Ita get a bit frustrating before things clarify, rewarding once everything fits into place.
Don’t overlook training. People may need to adjust to Zoho’s new layout. At the very least, a fun training session is in order.Pull out all the stops and transform any confrontational instigation into an office pizza party with CRM side dressing. What you must gently remind them of is: the “Save” button isn’t poisonous.
Now you aren’t just switching systems, but taking on a completely different work culture.Couldn’t be otherwise. Zoho has accoutrements galore in the integration world. From e-mail to project management It’s worth tying the pieces together.
And don’t forget, perseverance. At times, the passage from Salesforce to Zoho will seem like it is going through a maze. Yet each move you make brings you closer to an environment that more reverberates with how things should be. If necessary, summon a CRM consultant for assistance. They have traveled this road, they know the course.
Changing CRMs isn’t just a technical decision but also a very emotional one. You are re-thinking who and what your business wants to be. It’s like going to a different colored wall from dull white.—-It’s refreshing.Hang in there, and before you know it, doing things the Zoho way will be second nature like riding a bicycle. We hope to see you adopting our new procedures soon. Happy migrating!